On creating a great Product Strategy

A 6-part series to strengthen your strategic skills

Over the last months, I’ve been writing articles related to creating, measuring, communicating, and executing Product Strategy. 

Since the articles were not posted in sequential order and spread over time, I felt it might be useful to create this foreword with a proposed sequence and a “one-liner” to let you know what to expect from each article. 

1. Steps and tools to create a great product strategy

Rocking at Product Strategy: 3 steps and 10 tools to succeed where most companies fail

2. How to come up with insights, the most critical aspect of a solid strategy

A Framework for Strategic Insights

3. 3 ways to quickly measure strategy results and 

Strategic clairvoyance: how to predict your product strategy’s success

4. Connect strategy with execution through OKRs and improved communication

Executing product strategy using OKRs, Comms, and Pivots to succeed

5. How to synthesize your strategy to create a memorable communication

What can Pablo Picasso teach us about Product Strategy?

6. How to balance top-down vs bottom-up strategic decisions 

Team autonomy: balancing the Top-Down versus Bottom-Up dance

If any of those topics caught your attention, you may be interested in my upcoming book, describing at length, with examples and templates, the process to successfully create and link the Product Strategy, Roadmaps, and OKRs.
You can download here a pre-launch free section.