Product Discovery

70% of product initiatives fail? Let’s see the evidence!

Common lore says that most product initiatives fail. Over the last 10 years, lean and product discovery practices have increased because they help us validate opportunities in the risky world of product development. From personal experience, I know that many initiatives fail, but I have not found a source that compiles evidence as a benchmark […]

70% of product initiatives fail? Let’s see the evidence! Read More »

4 reasons why product teams can’t avoid the “Feature Factory” trap

It is easy to understand why product teams with low autonomy, hard delivery-date pressures from stakeholders, and not-empowered product managers tend to end up in the “feature factory” anti-pattern. Note: I’m not sure about the origins of the feature factory term, but it basically represents those product teams who operate more like a software factory, getting

4 reasons why product teams can’t avoid the “Feature Factory” trap Read More »

Innovación cómo consecuencia de un proceso de Product Development

Una historia de #BestProduct — Parte II Si no leíste la Parte I de nuestra historia de #BestProduct (#BestCode), te recomiendo que lo hagas para tener mejor contexto de esta serie. También puedes leer la 3er parte. Hoy narramos la segunda parte: un “ciclo” (considerando que los días nunca son iguales) en la vida de un Product

Innovación cómo consecuencia de un proceso de Product Development Read More »

Do you understand how big of a problem the “solution bias” really is?

I watched a talk by professor John Medina and he stated a phrase that triggered this article: “If you care what you believe you should never be in the investigative fields” Let me explain why. The solution bias A lot has been written on 2 subjects that are usually referred to as solution bias or “falling in

Do you understand how big of a problem the “solution bias” really is? Read More »

MVPs de Demanda: cómo validar si la gente quiere tu producto antes de contruirlo

A los que me hayan escuchado hablar de Discovery y Validación de ideas sabrán que una de las razones más importantes para usar esas técnicas es que el 70% de los nuevos productos (o nuevos features dentro de productos existentes) fallan. Y uno de los principales motivos de falla es la falta de gente interesada

MVPs de Demanda: cómo validar si la gente quiere tu producto antes de contruirlo Read More »

[VIDEO] Hipótesis de MVPs: ¿cómo setear el valor esperado?

A los que leen este blog o cuálquier material mío, saben que hago mucho incapié en experimentar. Y que es algo que puede hacerse muy mal si no se siguen ciertos patrones. Uno de los que más veces veo equipos que se equivocan es en la hipótesis.   Cuándo creamos la hipótesis tenemos que indicar que métrica

[VIDEO] Hipótesis de MVPs: ¿cómo setear el valor esperado? Read More »

The agile principle that is obsolete in modern product development

I consider myself a fan of Agile and the values and principles that the Manifesto states. In fact, I’ve been using agile for many years and I saw how many teams changed and improved over the years through this practices. I’m currently working on an agile transformation at the organization level, trying to bring agile

The agile principle that is obsolete in modern product development Read More »